3 Ways to Make Your Membership More Valuable to You


Let’s give ourselves a pat on the back!

One part of success that is too often overlooked is the time for celebration. VTWC never overlooks the importance of celebration. In the fall, we celebrate the start of our year at the Annual Welcome Reception. We celebrate when we gather for trips, interest group activities, luncheons, and even board meetings. In the winter, we celebrate our new members. And in the spring, we celebrate the accomplishments of our club at an annual luncheon. We had much to celebrate this year.

A successful year for the scholarship program

One reason to celebrate is the success of our 2021-22 scholarship program. At the Spring Luncheon, Coach Kenny Brooks, VT Women’s Basketball coach, offered congratulations and encouragement to our scholarship recipients.

The Ways & Means Committee was busy this year organizing a variety of fundraising projects, and they were on the job at the luncheon building the foundation for their fundraising for 2023.

The 2021-22 year started in May with a “Jump Start Newsletter” which resulted in a number of donations. In June, numerous members participated in The Community Foundation’s Day of Giving. In August, an EBay auction, the first ever for VTWC, for tickets for the September UNC football game generated significant funds and lots of fun. The additional good news is that VT won the game. At the luncheons, silent auctions and raffles for books, barn quilts, a sketch, and a handmade bag brought the final dollars into the scholarship fund. We exceeded our $25,000 goal!  An enormous thank you goes to everyone who supported the 2021-22 scholarship fund.

The Scholarship Committee translated the fundraising into scholarships by working with the Community Foundation of New River Valley which manages our funds. Sixteen women received $1,800 each, a total of $28,000.

A successful year for service

Another reason to celebrate is the success of our 2021-22 Service Committee. At the Spring Luncheon, we collected 438 individual items and $150 for the 209 Marketplace at Virginia Tech. The food items will be distributed to students who may have depleted their food cards and budgets by this time in the semester. The committee reported, “Today’s drive was a very successful drive—VTWC members are very generous!”

A successful year for activities

Interest groups, the travel group, and the Friday Forums have provided members with opportunities to learn, laugh, and linger for discussions. We have had three successful luncheons this year with speakers who stimulated our minds and our hearts. In the fall, we listened to Nikki Giovanni’s message about the important contributions women have made in the area of social justice. At the second luncheon, we listened to an informative presentation by Karen Finch about “The Hello Girls.” At the final luncheon of the year, Coach Kenny Brooks described the importance of building a “collection of wonderful people” who share the same passion, who are willing to listen and learn in order to lead, and who “bring their noise.” While he was describing his women’s basketball program, it was impossible to not see the similarities in his philosophy and the VTWC core beliefs. Coach Brooks said, “Now is the time for [women to be empowered]. Tough times make us, and we must stick with it.” VTWC also wants to be part of empowering young women and to “sell the vision” that “future leaders of America will be people who warm our hearts.”

Why lead? Isn’t following easier?

Why does any woman choose to take on the extra responsibility of a leadership position in any organization, but particularly the Virginia Tech Women’s Club?

Well, answers may vary, but one that comes up quite often is “wanting others to succeed.” Our current board members have lots to say about the rewards of serving as leaders.

Past President Deb Call explains what drives her by referring to Lion King. Most of us know the compelling song Circle of Life from the movie and Broadway play.  If Virginia Tech Women’s Club had a theme song, this would be a good candidate. Throughout the song are lyrics that reflect our four pillars. “There’s more to see than can ever be seen” brings to mind the many educational opportunities we have through Travel and Tours, Interest Groups, and Friday Forums. “More to do than can ever be done” points us to service. “It moves us all/Through faith and love/ “til we find our place/On the path unwinding/In the circle/The circle of life” describes our commitment to the young women at Virginia Tech who are coming behind us, chasing dreams and goals on their paths. The four pillars of VTWC are Friendship, Education, Scholarship, and Service.  All four are critical on “the path unwinding in the circle.”  Through the educational events organized by leaders within our club, we have had so many opportunities “to see more than can ever be seen.”

Heather Nicholson is an organizer by nature, and VTWC has benefitted from her leadership as Past President and now as Recording Secretary. Heather guided the organization toward more responsible organizational structure as a non-profit. She has helped lead committees that reviewed and modified the constitution and board structure. Heather is quick to say that her willingness to invest time she comes from her desire to see the club succeed, but more so to see individuals succeed. “The friendships are so strong, and we work together to achieve our purpose.”

Deanie Heath, a member who has served as newsletter editor and directory editor and who is now taking on the Communications Director postion, is quick to say, “Friendships. It starts with friendships. Friendships that last a lifetime.” She notes that she had been a marginally involved member for several years after being invited to a welcome reception—“for the food,” her friend said. She started making friends in the book club interest group, and especially notes that Gloria Moses is such a wonderful ambassador for VTWC. “Gloria represents all that we strive to be: involved, compassionate, curious, engaging.”

Please keep an eye on this space for more interviews with our board and with members who have a clear sense of what makes Virginia Tech Women’s Club uniquely positioned to make a difference in the lives of women, including your life.

turn Your Talents into Scholarship currency

What is your special talent? The VTWC scholarship fund started with a group of women who created a cookbook of their favorite recipes and marketed copies across Blacksburg.

In 2022, there may be a demand for what you have to contribute.

Jean Smoot contributed VT game tickets. The first ever VTWC eBay auction was a major fundraising success.

Barn quilts are not just for a barn!! They work beautifully outside and inside your home. Phyllis Eschenmann creates and donates barn quilts to our scholarship fundraising efforts. A $250-$500 donation will get you a 1x1 quilt. A donation of $500 and above makes you eligible for a 2x2 quilt.

Members have donated pen and ink drawings, paintings, and nights in destination spots.

What are your resources that will help us grow our scholarship funds for 2022-2023? Contact the Ways and Means Committee if you want to talk more about how you can help.